Friday, April 20, 2012

pure JOY!

THANK YOU to everyone who has joined in supporting the village both prayerfully and financially in Uganda, East Africa! Because of YOUR open hearts and obedience to God, We have had enough food for this week, the Greenhouse is FULLY funded and going up next week, and We will be purchasing LAND IN FULL for the babies home tomorrow! Please take a moment and say aloud "thank you, sweet Jesus Christ"

 --"..Your name and Your renown are the desire of our souls” Isaiah 26:8


  1. Arielle,
    I want you to know you are not alone. When the excitement of one miracle fades and the waiting returns it is easy to lose resolve. You are in good company. I can think of dozens of biblical characters who expereinced the same sense of need. Right now Elijah comes to mind. After his greatest triumph God had to remind him 'there is still a remnant' that remained. Periodically God brings you to mind as I travel. Yesterday I got the link to your blog and am encouraged to see your faithful obedience. Even though I have been to West Africa 3 times this year I had sadly not thought of you since December. Know you have been on my heart in prayer almost constantly for over 6 weeks now. He knows! After reading your blog I now understand. Jer. 30:15 "For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength:" They would not. You are. If there were ever two key words to live by .... quietness and confidence. Rest and know He hears and answers. Looking forward to hearing more soon. It has been a delight to see your growth in following Him. You are an inspiration to more than you imagine. God bless. Bob and Sue LeRoy

  2. Arielle,
    Randy and I were also moved by your testimony and the good works you are doing. We want to be a part of your ministry and will give as the Lord leads. How proud your parents must be of you! We at TBA church are. Keep us informed. Take care. In His Love. Randy and Diane Worrells

  3. I am SO happy that I am able to say that God allowed me to be a part of every bit of this amazing news!! Praise Him, for He is good, and He alone will supply all of our needs!!!

  4. Love you hon. Looking forward to seeing you on May 2nd.
