Sunday, April 1, 2012

Pre-Sunrise Pictures

Recently I stood outside in the early morning with the intent of trying to capture the African sunrise. If you have ever tried to capture a sunrise or sunset you know it is nearly impossible to catch the beauty. So many mornings I just stare towards the sun as it rises, enjoying it more and more, as it gains intensity in color and splendor. As I was prepared with my camera in hand, I started clicking left and right, most of the pictures were before the sun was even visible. Thinking to myself “ohh THIS has got to be the best”…one minute later “ohh no this one!” All the while the dense hues of orange, purple, yellows and reds were just getting stronger and the sun rising higher and higher. Watching the sun intently, just peeking out and now fully visible and blazing. Once the sun had actually appeared and the full “sunrise” picture was captured I realized how grandiose and epic it was compared to my “pre-sunrise” photos.

And then it hit me… this is so much like life at times. We see the immediate situation, weather good or bad as the climax and settle for what that offers. But so many times God has a much more epic climax in the making. Building on experiences and situations, all adding to the intensity of the final shebang! It saddens me to think that too often we settle for “pre-sunrise” pictures, when there is actually something better in the making. Not to say we shouldn’t enjoy the “pre-sunrise” snapshots of life, but we must continue striving towards our romancer, Jesus Christ; settling and enjoying are two different things.

My prayer over this blog is that together, we don’t just settle for the “pre-sunrise”, 5th grade art work, but we wait patiently for the Father’s masterpiece that blazes with beauty and immaculate intensity.


  1. Loved this post. LOVED the pictures...together they rang loud and true in my heart. I'll be thinking of this all week.

    Love you precious girl!! Praying continuously....

  2. Love this! SO beautiful and so true. Thanks for sharing.

  3. My favorite blog post yet! Love you!

  4. Thank you for this.

    Love, Dad

  5. This is why you are my best friend... the Lord speaks through you straight to me. I'm not gonna lie I feel like you were writing this directly to me, eventhough I know you weren't, but these are exactly some words that I needed to hear right now. I miss you as always. But I am so proud of the way you are serving! I can't wait to give you a big hug soon! Love you!

  6. My heart mirrors yours in this post. God is so very good. The more you tune your ears to listen, the more clearly you'll hear Him speak. Thanks for being His vessel today & letting Him use you to bless the rest of us! xoxo Mom xoxo

  7. I am a friend of your mom. This is beautiful. --Stacy Moser

  8. my favorite subject! Sunsets! My surgery is scheduled in the morning--and I've already had several "sunrise" moments"! it's exciting to see God working in small and large details in my preparation for the surgery.---and the whole picture is not complete yet! I know thepath ahead will not be all easy---but I KNOW THAT GOD WILL GO BEFORE ME, and will be
    my strength and encourager I'm enthused about the strides that are being made in Uganda.
    I'm praying for your work there and thanking God for His Care and direction of you.
    I love you, Arielle-nana

  9. Amazing, really made me think. Love and miss you!
